Attached is the schedule for the 5 & 6th grade Waubay Booster Club Tournament on Saturday, November 13
5/6 grade BB game vs St Martins at Waubay today at 4:30
Open gym for Girls Basketball Grades 9-12 on Tuesday at 4pm in Waubay and Thursday at 5pm in Waubay.
Tuesday, November 16- Winter Sports Meeting for coaches, parents, and athletes in Summit at 7:00 pm.
The wrestling season is upon us!! I want to inform Waubay students that they have the opportunity to compete at the Jr. High and Varsity level with Webster Area. The Jr. High practices start on Monday, November 8th and the varsity practices start on Monday, November 15th both are in the wrestling room at Webster High School starting at 3:30. We understand that the Waubay kids will be delayed due to travel. This is open to all students grade 6th through 12th both boys and girls. If you are interested or have any questions please contact Beau Larson at
After Prom is now selling fruit, meat & cheese! If you have not been contacted & would like to order, please contact any Waubay 9-12th student. Orders are due by Friday, November 12th!
Students: there are extra order forms in the school office if you need one!
If any questions, you may contact Deb Rumpza or Amy Gaikowski
The Waubay Boosters will be hosting a 5/6 BB Tournament on Saturday, November 13th. We are looking for donations for drinks and bars for the concession stand. Please follow this link to sign up:
Please check “sign up” and then scroll to the bottom and click on “submit and sign up”. At this point you will be able to select the number of items you wish to donate. Please contact Jen Aker or Deb Rumpza if you have questions. Thank you!
If you are a Veteran and would like to speak with students on Veteran’s Day, please contact Abby Kwasniewski at 605-947-4529 or I am planning the Veteran’s Day program and I thought it would be a nice change to have Veteran’s go to classrooms to speak with students more individually rather than an assembly. Any ideas or suggestions are always welcomed! Thank you!
Time change for 5th and 6th grade basketball practice today! Practice will end at 4:30 today!
Good luck to Kenlee, Marci, Carson and Hayden as they participate in All-State Chorus this weekend. Hayden is a 4 year member, which is quite an accomplishment! The concert will be televised on SDPBS on Saturday night at 8:00 Central time.
Boys Basketball Open Gym on Wednesday 10/28 in Waubay at 4:30.
Congratulations to Madison Zirbel from the Dakota Hills Cross Country team! She has been nominated for the New Country KS93 and Watertown Taco John’s Athlete of the Week.
Voting runs through Sunday at 11:59 p.m. and ONLINE ONLY at
Please vote for Madison!
JH Football season wrap up and equipment turn-in will be Monday Oct. 25th in Wilmot. Transportation to and from Wilmot will be provided.
There will be a Waubay Booster meeting this evening in the school commons at 7 pm. We will be finalizing plans for the 5/6 basketball tournament on November 13th. Plan to attend. Thank you!
Reminder: The annual Waubay High School Financial Aid Night, for parents of Senior students, is TONIGHT at 6pm in the boardroom. Parents of Junior students are welcome to attend to get a heads up on the information as well. We will also discuss scholarships and opportunities after!
5 & 6th grade girls and boys practice today 5:30-6:30.
Also, 5/6 game for Thursday, October 14, 2021 will be @ Waverly. 4:00 girls, boys to follow. This is a change in the schedule.
Grizzlies FB is being broadcast on 104.3 FM!
The JH Football Jamboree in Browns Valley is rescheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 12. Please see the attached schedule.
Just a reminder there will be 5/6 Basketball practice on Monday, October 11 from 5:30-6:30. This is a change from the original schedule.
There is no school that day.
BearcatTV will be linking to the Mobridge feed for the football game tonight. The game can be found at