Elementary apparel order has been extended through Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Please contact Lacey.boik@k12.sd.us with any questions.
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
Just a reminder that there is NO school on Friday or Monday.
over 2 years ago, Scott Lepke
no school
Due to technical difficulties, there will be no NFHS broadcast for tonight's VB game.
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
Homecoming is right around the corner! The theme this year is "Game Shows”! Dress up days have been set!
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
Homecoming 2022
Just a quick reminder to get your apparel orders in for the Elementary fundraiser! Orders due tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
There will be a JH FOOTBALL GAME on Tuesday, Sept. 6th at 4:00PM in Waubay vs Florence/Henry
over 2 years ago, Kari Berger
Volleyball Announcement: A "C" Team game has been added to the schedule for Thursday Sept. 1st. Start time for this game is 4:45PM, JV at 6:00PM, Varsity to follow.
over 2 years ago, Kari Berger
After Prom Concession Workers for Thursday, Sept 1st volleyball game in Waubay: Amy Gaikowski Deb Rumpza Brian/Sarah Pies Travis/Roxan Christensen After Prom Concession Workers for Tuesday, September 6th Volleyball game in Waubay: Lisa Swanson Adam/Melissa Jorgenson Jim/Desirae Snyder Kristen/Todd Rockwood *Please be sure to check on start time of the game you are scheduled to work. *If you are unable to work you MUST find YOUR own replacement. *Please be kind and show up for your work duties or find a replacement, this is for YOUR children! *Remember to bake your bars too!
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
The Elementary is holding an apparel fundraiser. Funds raised will help pay for the Dakota Players, PBIS incentives, rewards, field trips, and Artists in Residence. Order forms will be coming home with students. Orders are due by September 1 at 3:30 pm. Please contact lacey.boik@k12.sd.us with any questions
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
mustang 1
mustang 2
grizzly 1
grizzly 2
A few reminders for this week: *Tomorrow, Monday August 29 is picture day! Remember to smile pretty! *Please remember to return your student forms and fees to the school! Have a great week!
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
We have just received notification that the game will be broadcast on the NFHS network this evening. A subscription is required. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
Varsity Volleyball: Estelline Tournament 8/27 The bus will be leaving the Waubay School at 7AM and the Coffee Cup at 7:15AM.
over 2 years ago, Kari Berger
PLEASE NOTE: There has been a "C" team game added to Thursday night's Volleyball games against Leola/Frederick at Frederick. Here is the schedule: C Match at 5:30PM JV Match at 6:30PM Varsity to Follow
over 2 years ago, Kari Berger
Just a reminder that the Waubay School District will be holding their open house tonight from 6:00-7:30 PM. A meal will be served at 6:00 PM. Come visit with teachers and meet the new principal and superintendent.
over 2 years ago, Scott Lepke
open house
Day County WIC will be providing services at Enemy Swim at Enemy Swim Day School. Please see attached!
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
es wic
Here is the link to cheer on the GRIZZLIES tonight from the comfort of your own home! https://portal.stretchinternet.com/b103/#live
over 2 years ago, Kari Berger
Little Cubs Football Equipment & sign-up is tonight 8/17 in Summit at 6:00pm.
over 2 years ago, Kari Berger
REMINDER: Varsity Football pictures today at 4pm in Waubay.
over 2 years ago, Kari Berger
Final reminder! Booster backer & ad payments for the 2022-2023 sports programs are due this week! Please contact Lisa Amdahl or Jen Aker if you have any questions!
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3
Reminder that all 9-12 students are encouraged to come the school on Aug.15 and 16 between 9-3 to finalize class schedules with Mrs. Purdy.
over 2 years ago, Waubay School District 18-3