The Wall of Accelerated Readers will have six more plaques hanging on its wall. These students each earned twenty-five points and were awarded their Accelerated Reader plaque and twenty-five number bar. Congratulations and keep up the great reading Layla, Kingston, Elizabeth, Kimamna, Daniel, and Logan!
Erik, a first grade student, earned five points in Accelerated Reader and received his Beary Happy Reader shirt. Nice reading Erik!
These two sixth grade students are new to Accelerated Reader. Shylah and Amarah each earned their AR shirt. Way to go and keep on reading!
These first through fourth grade students earned the next number bar for Accelerated Reader. Great job Larissa, Maxxim, Blair, Mallory, and Harlan. Keep up the terrific reading!
These five students were recognized for earning the next number bar for their Accelerated Reader plaque. Way to go Leveion, Catan, Palmer, Gage, and Lindsey! Keep up your fantastic reading kids!
Written By: Sandy Gaikowski