Friday, March 7th
Today's Events:
2:00 Dakota Players Performance
End of 3rd Quarter
7:00 pm Boys Region BB Mustangs vs. Northwestern @ Summit
FFA @ Redfield
Any 7th or 8th grade student interested in oral interpretation needs to sign up today!
Athletic Announcements:
Anyone interested in participating in track or golf this spring please sign up in Mrs. Berger’s room today. If you have any questions please stop in and talk to Mrs. Berger.
Saturday, March 8th
Boys BB Region Round 3 Games
Tuesday, March 11th
Boys BB SoDak 16
Wednesday, March 12th
7:00 pm School Board Meeting
Thursday, March 13th - NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK
State GBB
Friday, March 14th - NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK
State GBB
Monday, March 17th - NO SCHOOL for students - Staff In-service Day
1:00 pm ECC Spelling Bee/Math & Business Contest @ Waubay
Tuesday, March 18th
FFA @ Northwestern
Whetstone Choral Festival @ Sisseton
Wednesday, March 19th
Thursday, March 20th
State BBB
Friday, March 21st
State BBB
Monday, March 24th
Tuesday, March 25th
FFA @ Milbank
6:00 pm Winter Sports Awards Night
Wednesday, March 26th
Thursday, March 27th
ECC North Half Band Festival @ Waubay
Friday, March 28th
Parents: If you do not have a parent portal set up to check your students grades and would like one, please email or call the business office. All students k-12 have grades posted in Infinite Campus, attendance reports, lunch balance, and other information available to you in the parent portal. There is also an app you may download to use on your smartphone.